Tuesday, June 26, 2012

i don't know where souls stay, waiting to be born

and i don't remember exactly when
you first talked to me
i love you puppyfish
i've grown attached to you
the spirit
which, i guess, means you'd have this personality
no matter what DNA you end up with
which is why
i say i'll do whatever it takes to get you here

but please, pupptfish
please don't leave me

i'm sure there plenty of other adorable little souls waiting
but you wanted me first
and we've been together for years now

let somebody else go to her
if you disappear from my head
i'll totally loose it

i don't know if you're in communication with your dad at all
but if you are
tell him
i'm sorry that i'm so scary
i've tried really hard to be easy for him
and this is really just the best i can do