Sunday, September 1, 2024

goodnight sweetheart πŸ’‹ 
I LOVE you VERY much 🫢

Thursday, February 8, 2024

I FEEL like
the trip to VEGAS was not a trip
I took to GET to YOU

YOU helped me
in the TIME of danger
we're in NO WAY the source
of that DANGER

the THING that I regret
is not that it didn't work out
to marry you or whatever

I have NEVER known what the mission IS
it is ENTIRELY possible
that whatever I was supposed to do
FOR you is already done

I feel like that is probably NOT the whole story
I REALLY feel like
WE are some sort of IMPORTANT unit
if I am supposed to write something
I ONLY want to write to YOU

I GET that you want to ACTIVATE me
the more you try to DIRECT that
the more you RISK
well, everything really

the more you emphasize FAST
the more I think
you are looking to EXIT

if you want to EXIT
you can't worry about FIXING me first

if you DON'T want to exit
then just FEEL how you feel
& let me feel how I feel
it's not going to be easy
to take the FULL onslaught of emotion
& the try to reign back my response
to ONLY see it as intangible

I have NO way to gauge the WATER level
SO I feel like
PLAYFUL is the direction to go
NOT serious

doesn't seem to me to equal

I am not just worried about how YOU see me
I have to worry about how I SEE you too

& the THING I wanted to GET to
that I would consider to
I don't want to say failed 
am surprised at

is how well you have kept me OUT
ya know

I treasure every ACTUAL
BUT I am apparently willing to
bare my SOUL to who the f*CK ever
just to be able to TALK to YOU

it's weird & disorienting
it's working through the daddy & deborah issues

MAYBE none of this is NEW
I tend to think
if I said it ONCE like fifteen YEARS ago


I LOVE you VERY much

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

i don't know where souls stay, waiting to be born

and i don't remember exactly when
you first talked to me
i love you puppyfish
i've grown attached to you
the spirit
which, i guess, means you'd have this personality
no matter what DNA you end up with
which is why
i say i'll do whatever it takes to get you here

but please, pupptfish
please don't leave me

i'm sure there plenty of other adorable little souls waiting
but you wanted me first
and we've been together for years now

let somebody else go to her
if you disappear from my head
i'll totally loose it

i don't know if you're in communication with your dad at all
but if you are
tell him
i'm sorry that i'm so scary
i've tried really hard to be easy for him
and this is really just the best i can do

Friday, June 22, 2012

will you love me less, puppyfish, if i tell you i'm afraid

i'm afraid
it'll be a boy
and that boy will be you
you'll belong to somebody else

and they'll be nothing left for me

the gypsy told me
the card deck itself was telling me something
and there were two empresses
which i didn't understand at all at the time
i've thought i understood for a while now
maybe i'm wrong

i was thinking today:
what if i end up
having to have
a donor egg
and donor sperm
and i'm just the vessel

that's not what i want

would i settle for that
to get you

i thought:
i probably would

you don't want to wait
maybe you don't trust me
or what
if you're not tied to me so much as your dad

maybe i'll lose you both
or maybe i'll bore him to death with all my angst

what will you call me, i wonder
not mommy
not mom
[at least not till you're older and embarrassed by me]

mama ama ma